Friday, April 12, 2013

Bumpers and Car Horns and Brake Lights, Oh My!

And where is that screaming coming from? Oh yeah, that would be me.

I don't do traffic, which is a very silly thing to say as an Orange Countian. Traffic is everywhere all the time and for the most part, there's never really any reason for it.

When I left work today I was more than ready to get home and eat everything in my pantry, but what should have been a 30 minute drive home took me almost an hour! It was ridiculous...

Cars literally littered the freeway. And, as if the bumper-to-bumper traffic wasn't enough, irritated drivers whaled on the horn every chance they got out of sheer frustration.

Turns out there was a bit of an accident up ahead on the freeway and passerbys merely slowed down to check out what was going on... Which caused a HUGE traffic jam.

Mile after mile of slowly inching my way down the freeway had me reconsidering my route home. Perhaps surface streets would save me some time? And some sanity.

Oh well. At the end of the day, I made it home in one piece and that's all that matters. (And the Jack in the Box tacos TJ had waiting for me when I got there)

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